Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Mita Srbin




                               1918 ‑ 1995

                          (Afore‑official/undone edition)

                       PUBLISHER: B.O. Press. Serbia. 2000.


    Old, or first, Croats are of Khazar descent? Are they an Ashkenazic tribe from the far

    East of Europe? Maybe. Maybe not. Personally, I'm not sure. We still don't have enough

    proofs for this theory... there are no proofs about. Not enough. But right now it doesn't


    For the record, I'd like to make it clear ‑ the following story is based on FACTS.

    Nationalists across the world have been giving for years their support to Croats. They

    thought and miserly believed that Croats are the people with nationalists and racialists

    aspirations who fought for freedom and against Communist regime in Serbia. Well, the

    truth is a 'little bit' different.

    This booklet contains the text of a most revealing and shocking story of Croats and

    crimes not surpassed for brutality and atrocity in the whole history of Europe.


            Croats: Serb‑haters and Jew‑loving hypocrites

               Croatian people never have had a completely independent state. Over the

    centuries, Croat‑sattled territories were parts and provinces of various kingdoms and


          In the 20th century, instantly after the WW1, victorious Serbian army rescued Croatian people

from the "prison" ‑ what the Croats then called Austro‑Hungary.

          Thus, Croatia joined Serbia in the first Yugoslav kingdom. Unfortunately, Croatian gratitude was

very short. From 1918 onward, Croatian politicians

          like Stiepan Radich (communist), Macek (Jew) and later Pavelich (married to Jewess) had

been deliberately teaching their people to hate Serbs. For twenty‑three

          years Croatian leaders had been persuading the Croat peasants and workers that the Serbian

"imperialists and oppressors" caused all their troubles and suffering.

    Before them, there was a "legendary" Josip Franck. Franck (or Frank), who was

    pureblooded Jew and dedicated freemason, was the "founding father" of Croatian racial

    chauvinist ideology. For him, Croats are not part of the European race. He says that all

    nations in the region of Balkans belong to "Croatian Race", including Bosnian muslims

    Franck stated that Bosnian muslims are "the flowers of the Croatian Race"). Of course,

    Franck's ideology was extremely anti‑Serb.    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =

    "urn:schemas‑microsoft‑com:office:office" />

                      Who was Ante Starchevich?

    He was most important Croatian ideologist and inspirator of the hate towards Serbs, after Josip

    Franck. The author of theory of the racial and religious superiority of Croats over many

    European peoples, especially over the Serbs. He maintained that "the Croatian people could

    not restore its national State without prior extermination of the Serbian people". With Eugen

    Kvaternik (probably Jew), he establish the Croatian Party of Right in 1861. Starcevic predicated

    his policy on the so‑called "Croatian State right" and called for the creation of "Greater Croatia"

    from the Alps to the Prokletie Mountains. Denying the political indIviduality and territorial

    sovereignity of the Serbs in old Serbian provinces of Slavonia and Dalmatia, he and his followers

    claimed that Serbs were "Orthodox Croats". However they thought of Croats as a superior and

    of Serbs as an inferior race. The racial theory of Ante Starcevic and his "Franck‑loving"

    successors resulted in the "Ustas‑(h)a" movement's atempts to create a pure Croatian and

    Catholic‑only independent State of Croatia in the World War Two. Starcevic's statements that

    the Serbs were a "race of "rats" and that, for this reason, they should be axed" was put into

    practice in the Independent State of Croatia from 1941 to 1945.

      Return of the Ante Pavelich and his Ustasha movement

    As the danger of war approached, Yugoslav prince Paul (Pavle) felt it essential to solve the

    Croatian question by democratic means. He thought that Milan Stojadinovic was incapable to

    do it as he was Serb nationalist and pro‑German. In february 1939 he replaced him as premier

    with Dragisa Cvetkovic. The Italian invasion of Albania in April was a further warning. After some

    setbacks, an agreement with the Croats was achieved before war broke out.

    The Cvetkovic‑Mac(h)ek agreement of August 1939 set up single Croatian province, which

    included most territories of Croatian population. The administration of this area was placed in

    the hands of Macek* and his party (Croatian Peasant Party) which was also represented in the

    central Yugoslav government.

    The agreement had an uncertain reception in both Serbia and Croatia: the Serbian politicians

    felt betrayed by Macek, who appeared to have made a deal with the dictatorship at the expense

    of the Serbian people; and on the Croatian side, though the majority accepted the

    arrangement they (Croats) feared that the triumph of Axis powers would preclude them to set

    up an independent Croatian state under their control, if Serbs keep Yugoslavia. So they

    remained implacably opposed to Yugoslav state. But when an anglophile Yugoslav

    government refused (already signed) pact with Adolf Hitler, Germans started to show their

    interest in the exiled clandestine Marxist and Ustasha leader Ante Pavelich.

    Soon, Ante Pavelich returned to Croatia and instantly came into power, supported by 90% of

    Croatian population. Thus, Ustasha movement was the main force in Croatia.

                           "Bullets for Serbs"

    On April 12, 1941, two days after Croatia was proclaimed for an independent state, an

    order was published in the Zagreb (Croatia's capital) newspapers requiring all Serbs to

    leave the country within twenty‑four hours and threatening that anyone hiding Serbs

    would be shot! At that time in Croatia third of the population was actually Serb. This

    order by Dr. Ante Pavelich, head of the "Independent State of Croatia", was a prelude

    to a massacres of Serbs not surpassed for brutality and atrocity in the whole sorrowful

    history of the European race. Even the communist massacres of the innocent people in

    Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc, incredible as this sounds, pale by comparison. More than

    600,000 defenseless Serbs, long resident in 'Croatia', including men, women, and small

    children, died in literally unprintable circumstances and another half‑million were driven

    from their homes, penniless and dying of starvation by the wayside!

    Devout Catholic, Dr. Mile Budak (Minister of Education and Cults in the Independent State of

    Croatia's government) said on July 22, 1941:  "The movement of the Ustasha is based on

    religion. For Serbs we have three million bullets. We shall kill one part of the Serbs. We

    shall deport another, and the rest of them will be forced to embrace our Roman Catholic faith.

    Thus, our new Croatia will get rid of all Serbs in our midst in order to become one hundred

    percent Catholic within ten years."


    The organised terrorist attacks on Serbs and  massacres were carried out by the three

    branches of the Croatian forces: 1) the units of the "Ustashi" movement, 2) the  so‑called

    "Home Defense", and 3) the regular army. Local Croat officials often participated in the shooting

    of prominent Serbian citizens belonging to their locality. Most of these officials were men who

    had been put in by Dr. Machek himself when he set up his autonomous government in Croatia.

    They went over, with almost no resignations, and continued their functions under Pavelich.

    The object of the massacres was deliberate and political: it was to make Croatia a

    "Greater Croatia" by annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina, so that, if the victor of the war

    (WW2) allow the population to vote on their choice of country, there should be no

    Serbs alive to cast their ballots.

    It should be mentioned that Bosnia & Herzegovina has always been considered by

    historians, geographers, and ethnologists to be a Serbian province, since it is

    predominantly Serbian. The population statistics of Bosnia compiled by the

   Austro‑Hungarian Empire in 1914 (prior to the outbreak of World War I), when Bosnia

    was an Austro‑Hungarian province, may be considered to be impartial, since

    Austro‑Hungary never liked or was likely to favor the Serbian people.

     Austro‑Hungarian Statistics on the population of Bosnia ‑ 1914

     Orthodox (Serbs)                                                     930,000

     Muslem                                                                     620,000

     Catholic (two thirds Croats, and one third Serbs)    420,000

     Together:                                                                1,970,000

     It means that over one million Serbs lived in Bosnia at that time.

    The history of the massacres is as follows: Between April 12 and 15 and on the night of

    May 31, 1941, mass arrests were made in cities of Zagreb, Sarajevo (Bosnia's capital),

    Mostar, Bana‑Luka, Travnik, Dubrovnik, Livno, and others. The first large massacres

    occurred the night of May 31, when groups of prominent Serbian citizens were

    "arrested" and taken to the outskirts of the towns and shot. These spring killings in

    Croatia proper are generally referred to as the Glina massacres.

     It should be mentioned that the Italian and German soldiers in Croatia and Bosnia tried

    many times to intervene to save the defenseless Serbs and often succeeded. Thus

    about 350 Serbians imprisoned by the Croats in Mostar, Livno, Trebinye, and

    Dubrovnik were released by the Italian troops. There were many other instances where

    the horrors revolted both Italian and German soldiers.

                                                                                                       Atrocities. Eyewitnesses.

    The great massacres of 1941 did not take place until June 24 to 28. They continued

    intermittently until November 1942, by which time practically all the 1,250,000 Serbs

    had been either exterminated or driven out. On June 22 a new order was issued stating

    "anyone using force against citizens of the country would be severely punished." This

    notice, designed to put the Serbs off the guard, was broadcast on the radio, read in

    churches, and published in newspapers. But simultaneously Pavelich sent a coded

    telegram to his Ustasha criminals ordering them to proceed with the massacres. What

    happened can best be told by some of the eyewitnesses:

    1. Walter Gorlitz (German military official) in his book "Der Zweite Weltkrieg 1939‑1945",

    Stuttgart, 1952. Band 11. on page 125 writes the following:

    "...Unfortunately, one of the first measures undertaken by the Catholic Ustashi regime was a

    terrible military venture of extermination of the Serbian Greek‑Orthodox parts of population

    which has come under the Croatian rule. The horrors that had taken place at that time had

    thrown the young country into a predestined civil war..."

    2. Karlheinz Deschner  (German writer, Catholic and a professor of philosophy) in his

    book "Mit Gott und den Faschisten", Stuttgart, October 1965 and "Abermalsrahen der

    Hahn", Stuttgart, December 1962, writes the following:

    "...The Serbs have become slaughterhouse material. In accordance with this doctrine the

    Ustashi started actions against Serbs, the people of the highest cultural level in the Balkans

    but not of the Catholic faith..."

    "...Catholics were urged from the church pulpits to persecute Orthodox Serbs and especially

    arduous in this were the Franciscans whose monasteries have for a long time served as

    meeting grounds for the Ustashi..."

    "...Furthermore it is understood that from the total of two million Orthodox population, almost

    600,000 was killed..."

    3. In 1953 Italian military authorities have made available to the press several documents

    from their archives, pertaining to the Ustashi crimes perpetrated over the Serbian people.

    Thus the daily "Il Tempo" of September 10, 1953, published the following excerpts from

    the report of the Commander of the Italian "Sasari" division:

    "Population in some places was completely exterminated, after having been tortured and


    The horrors that the Ustashi have committed over the Serbian small girls is beyond all words.

    There are hundreds of photographs confirming these deeds because those of them who have

    survived the torture: bayonetted hits, pulling of tongues and teeth, nails and breast tips (all this

    having been done after they were raped), were taken in by our officers and transported to Italian

    hospitals where these documents and facts were gathered."

    4. Curzio Malaparte, one of the most famous Italian writers who attained world fame,

    wrote the book "Kaputt", Roma‑Milano 1948 (Decima edizione). The book was published

    in New York, London, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro, Brussels, Belgrade... In his book

    Malaparte describes his visit to Ante Pavelic, the leader of Ustasha:

    "...While they were talking I noticed a cane basket on the left hand side of the Pavelic's desk.

    The cover was slightly raised and I could see that the basket was full of sea fruit. At least, that

    is what I thought it was. It looked like oysters but extracted from the shells, like the ones that

    you sometimes can see served on large plates at Fortnumm and Mason, in Piccadilly in

    London. Casertano looked at me and gave me a sign with his eyes:

          'How would you like to have some oyster soup?'

         'Are they Dalmatian oysters?' I asked Pavelic.

    Ante Pavelic took the lid off the basket and showed me the sea fruit, that sticky and jelly‑like

    mass, and then said, laughing with his frank and tired laughter: 'This is the gift from my faithful

    Ustashi, twenty kilos of human eyes.'"

    5. Source: Letter written by Privislav Grizogono, a Croat and a Roman‑Catholic,

    ex‑member of the Yugoslav Diplomatic Corps, addressed to Dr. Aloisius Stepinac,

    Roman‑Catholic Archbishop of Zagreb, Croatia, February 8, 1942. Published in

    translation by the ‘American Srbobran’, a Yugoslav paper in Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A.,

    February 24, 1943:

    "These atrocities do not amount to killings alone. They aim at extermination of

    everything Serbian, including women, children, and aged men, and in terribly wild

    tortures of the victims. These innocent Serbs were stuck on poles alive, and fires were

    built on their bare chests. Literally, they were roasted alive, burned to death in their

    homes and churches. Boiling water was poured on live victims before mutilation; their

    flesh was salted. Eyes were dug out of live victims, ears amputated, noses and tongues

    lobbed off. The beards and mustaches of priests, together with their skin, were ripped

    off rudely by knives. They were tied to trucks and dragged behind them. The arms and

    legs of the victims were broken and their heads were spiked"

    "They were thrown into the deep cisterns and caves, then literally bombed to pieces.

    Crowbars smashed their heads. Their children were thrown into fire, scalding water,

    and fed to the fired lime furnaces. Other children were parted by their legs; their heads

    crushed against walls and their spines dashed against rocks. These and many other

    methods of torture were employed against the Serbs‑tortures which normal people

    cannot conceive. Thousands of Serbian bodies floated down the Sava, Drava, and

    Danube rivers and their tributaries. Many of these bodies bore tags: "Direction ‑

    Belgrade. To Serbian King Peter". In one boat on the Sava river there was a pile of

    children's heads, with a woman's head (presumably the mother of the children) labeled:

    "Meat for John's Market ‑ in Belgrade" (meaning meat for the Serbian market)"

    "Then, in Bosnia, a huge pile of roasted heads was found. Utensils full of Serbian blood

    were also discovered; this was the hot blood of their murdered brothers that other

    Serbs were forced to drink.

    Countless women, girls, and children were raped ‑ mothers before daughters and

    daughters before mothers ‑ while many women, girls, and little female children were

    ushered off to Ustashi garrisons to be used as prostitutes. Rapes were committed even

    before the altars of the Serbian Orthodox Churches. About 3,000 Serbs were murdered

    in the Serbian Orthodox Church at Glina, and the massacre of Serbs before the altar at

    Kladusha Orthodox Church with sledgehammers is something never mentioned in


    There are detailed and official reports about these unheard‑of crimes. They are so

    terrible they have shocked even the Germans and Italians. Many pictures were taken of

    these massacres and torture orgies. The German soldiers and officers claim the Croats

    did these same things in Germany during the Thirty‑Year War and that, since then,

    there is a proverb in Germany: “God save us from cholera, hunger, and the Croats”.

    Even the Germans from Srem (Syrmia, a province in Northern Serbia) hate us and act

    friendly toward the Serbs. The Italians have photographed a vessel holding 31.5

    kilograms of Serbian eyes, and one Croat decorated with a wreath of Serbian eyes

    came to Dubrovnik with two wreaths of Serbian tongues.

      Though we Croats shall never be able to erase this shamefulness which we brought

    upon ourselves with these crimes, we can at least lessen our responsibility before the

    world and our consciences if we raise our voices in protest against all these crimes.

    This is the last hour for us to do so. After all the great crimes in history, punishments

    follow! What will happen to us Croats if the impression is formed that we participated in

    all these crimes to the finish?!"

                                                                       At Zemun, Feb. 8, 1942

    There are passages in this document relating to Croatian atrocities which are


      Source: A legal affidavit, signed and sworn to by Hilmia Herberovic, a Mohammedan

    resident of Croatia, in regard to the Glina massacres:

       "On the day of the bombing I was in Belgrade, and I left on the same day to report to

    my command in Susak in accordance with my mobilisation orders.... I cannot remember

    the date, but I think it must have been the 17th or 18th of April 1941. The unit

    commander on that date called all soldiers together and informed us that the war was

    over and everyone should proceed home.... I arrived home in Bosanski Novi (a small

    town in Bosnia) about the 24th of April, 1941.... Then I received an order from the

    military command in Petrina to report there.... At the beginning of June my unit was

    ordered to Glina to establish order and peace in that district and to collect all the arms

    and ammunition from the people....

    On our arrival in Glina we searched the houses of that town and then went to the

    neighboring villages. When the searching was over, the Ustashis arrived from Zagreb

    and Petrina and we were then ordered to round up from the villages all men from twenty

    to forty five years of age.... At the beginning we arrested only the men. We collected

    them from the villages and shut them in the Court gaol. There they remained several

    days, until the gaols were filled, and they were then put to death. The killing was done

    in several ways. Some were locked up in the Orthodox Church in Glina, which could

    contain 1,000 men. Then the unit officer chose about fifteen men to do the killing. They

    were then sent into the church with knives.

    During the butchering, sentries were placed before the church. This was necessary

    because some of the Orthodox Serbs climbed up the bell tower and jumped into the

    porch. All these were killed by the sentries in the porch. I was three times chosen to do

    the killing. Each time we were accompanied by some officers, Josip Dobric and  Miho

    Cvitkovich, and some Croatian Ustashi officers.

     When we entered the church the officers remained at the door and watched while we

    did the killing. The killing usually began at about ten o'clock in the evening and lasted

    until two o'clock in the morning, and the cries were continued until the last Serb was

    killed. These killings in the church took place seven‑eight times, and I took part in them

    three times. Every time we were so bespattered with blood that our uniforms could not

    be cleaned. We therefore changed them in the magazine and washed them later. The

    church was washed after every killing, after the corpses were taken away in motor

    trucks. Usually they were thrown into the river Glina. Sometimes they were buried.

    Some we struck in the heart and some in the neck. Some we struck haphazard. During

    the killings there were no lights in the church, except that some soldiers were specially

    appointed to light our way with electric torches. It happened on several occasions that

    some Serb rushed us with his fists or kicked us in the stomach, but he was butchered

    immediately. There was always much noise during the killing. The Serbs used to shout




    My unit's task was to round up the Serbs in Glina and in the Glina district, but orders

    were also given that all Serbs in the districts of Topusko and Vrgin. Most as well as

    Glina should be rounded up and killed. I do not know exactly how many Serbs were

    killed, but I have heard it said that about 120 thousand Serbs from the above

    mentioned districts have been killed, including children and old people.

    I have nothing more to add. These notes have been read out to me, and all my

    statements have been correctly written down. I can read and write.

                                                                              HILMIA HERBEROVIC

                      Vatican and Ustashi Croatia

    "...The revival of a policy of forcible conversion assumes an even more portentous significance

    when one remembers that it occurred with the tacit approval of the Vatican. Had the Vatican

   disapproved not a single priest could have taken part in the massacres or forcible conversions

    of Orthodox Serbs. A village priest can act only with the approval of minor Hierarchs who

    themselves cannot move without the permission of their Bishop, while the Bishop, in his turn,

    must act according to the instructions of his Archbishop; the Archbishop only on those of the

    Primate; the Primate on the direct instructions of the Vatican. The Vatican is the personal

    dominion of the Pope. The Pope being the central pivot of the vast Hierarchical machinery, it

    follows that the ultimate responsibility for all members of the clergy‑or, to be more precise, for

    the collective action of any given national Hierarchy ‑ rests with him. This cannot be otherwise.

    For policies of great import must be submitted to him before their promotion by all Hierarchies

    the world over, the Pope being their sole authority. If the responsibility for the monstrous

    persecutions of Orthodox Serbs rests with the head of the National Hierarchy‑i.e. Stepinac‑it

    has automatically to rest also with the Head of the Universal Church, without whose consent

    the Catholic Hierarchy would not have dared to act‑‑i.e. with Pius XII.

    Pius Xll could not plead ignorance of what was going on in Croatia by bringing forward the

    excuse of the obstacles of war. Communication between Rome and Croatia was as easy and

    as free in peace‑time... Political and religious Ustashi leaders came and went between Rome

    and Zagreb... Moreover, the Pope knew what was happening in Croatia, not only through the

    Hierarchical administrative machinery, which kept him up to date on all Croatian events, but

    also through other reliable sources. They were:

                    (a) The Papal Legate. Pius XII, it should never be forgotten, had a personal

                    representative in Croatia, whose task was to implement Vatican policy and

                    coordinate it with that of Pavelich, as well as reporting on religious and

                    political matters to the Pope himself. The Papal Legate to Croatia was

                    Mgr. Marcone, who openly blessed the Ustashi publicly gave the Fascist

                    salute, and encouraged Catholics (e.g. when he went to Mostar) to be

                    "faithful to the Holy See, which had helped that same people for centuries

                    against Eastern barbarism"‑that is say, against the Orthodox Church and

                    the Serbs. Thus, the Pope's official representative openly instigated

                    religious persecution, as well as praying for victory "under the leadership of

                    the Head of the State Pavelic," against the Yugoslav National Liberation

                    Army in 1944 ‑ 5.

                    (b) Cardinal Tiseran, head of the Holy Congregation of Eastern Churches.

                    This congregation's specific task was to deal with Eastern Churches.

                    Cardinal Tiseran received detailed reports of every forcible conversion and

                    massacre in Croatia. Between April and June, 19 over 100,000 Orthodox

                    Serbs were massacred; yet Cardinal Tiseran on July 17, 1941, had the

                    audacity to declare that Archbishop Stepinac would now do a great work

                    for the development of Catholicism in "the Independent State of

                    Croatia...where there are such great hopes for the conversion of those who

                    are not of the true faith."

                    (c) Ante Pavelich, who, by his representative to the Vatican, through whom

                    Pius XII sent "special blessing to the Leader (Pavelic)," forwarded regular

                    reports, at times straight from the Minister of Religions, about the "rapid"

                    progress of the Catholicization of the New Croatia.

                    (d) Last but not least, Archbishop Stepinac himself, who in person visited

                    Pius XII twice, and who supplied His Holiness with figures of the forcible

                    conversions. In an official document, dated as late as May 8, 1944, His

                    Eminence Archbishop Stepinac, head of the Catholic Hierarchy, in fact,

                    informed the Holy Father that to date "244,000 Orthodox Serbs" had been

                    "converted to the Church of God."

                                HOLY SEE AND PAVELICH'S CROATIA

    It was not without reason that the official Catholic press gave the public to understand that the

    Holy See had recognized the new Croatia de facto. Another pontifical measure soon added

    significance to the event of Pavelic's ceremonious welcome at the Vatican, usually given only

    for the head of a government. The Pope on 13 June (Pavelic's name day, "Antunovo")

    designated His Grace, Giuseppe Ramiro Marcone, a Benedictine of the Monte Vergine

    congregation and a member of the Roman Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas, to represent him

    at the Croatian episcopacy. But in the matter of attributions His Grace, Marcone, singularly

    surpassed those of an "apostolic visitor," that being his official title. So, according to the

    protocol of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Zagreb, he was classified, with his secretary,

    Masucci, another Benedictine, under the heading: "Delegation of the Holy See," and in official

    ceremonies he was placed ahead of the representatives of the Axis, being considered the Dean

    of the diplomatic corps. Furthermore, His Grace, Marcone, in his correspondence with the

    Ustashi government, called himself "Sancti Sedis Legatus" or "Elegatus," but never "apostolic


    The Croat hierarchy, as well as the press, referred to Ramiro Marcone as the Pope's Legate,

    giving him the title of "His Excellency," and never specifically mentioned him as the Pope's

    observer or envoy to the Croat Catholic Episcopacy. During the ordaining of the new Bishop,

    Janko Simrak in Krizevci, on August 18, 1942, "the Pope's legate to the Independent State of

    Croatia, Mgr. Ramiro Marcone was present with his secretary. In reporting on the Pontifical

    Requiem which was held in Zagreb after the death of Maglione, Secretary of the Vatican, on

    August 24, 1944, the "Catholic List" wrote that Mgr. Ramiro Marcone, the delegate of the Holy

    See in the Independent State of Croatia,27 was also present. Another article published in the

    Christmas issue of the "Katolicki List" mentions again that "the Honorabe Fra. Ramiro

    Marcone, was the delegate of the Holy See in Zagreb." In an article on apologetics, which

    appeared in the Katolicki List in connection with the "celebration of the name's day of the

    honorable legate," it is clearly seen that Mgr. Ramiro Marcone was the "legate of the Holy See

    in the Independent State of Croatia.

    "Catholic List" wrote how the clero‑Ustashi group looked upon Fra. Marcone, and said the

    following in that regard: "This was more than was needed for establishing the recognition de

    facto since as the name indicated, it was not conferred by international law, or by any explicit

    declaration, but was deducted from an ensemble of facts, which in themselves were amply

    significant. His Grace, Stepinac, understood this perfectly when he noted in his journal on

    August 3rd, the day the Pope's representative reached Zagreb: 'By this act, the Holy See has

    recognized via facti the Independent State of Croatia.'

    "Catholic List" also wrote the following regarding Ramiro Marcone's position and mission: "We,

    the Croats, see in Fra. Marcone a high diplomatic representative of the Pope, our Holy

    Father.... May the Lord bless his sacrificing work, may it bear the richest fruits to the benefit of

    the Holy Church and the State of Croatia."

    It is natural that such a political introduction given to Fra. Marcone was bound to affect the

    Catholic masses in the Fascist Independent State of Croatia, as well as the Ustashi

    government. It must have reflected on the religious feelings and political orientation of the

    Catholic masses. By interpreting Fra. Marcone's role in such a manner, a conscious and

    intentional influence acted on the Catholic masses invoking in them the desire to preserve the

    Independent State of Croatia.

    In exchange, Pavelic sent two unofficial representatives to the Vatican, Nikola Rusinovic, and

    then Erwin Lobkowicz, the Pope's secret chamberlain. Although they had no titles, they were

    diplomatic agents, and implicitly recognized as such, since His Grace Canali, the great

    manipulator of finances at St. Peter's provided them with Vatican ration tickets, "carta

    annonaria", to which all accredited diplomats of the Holy See were entitled. It can thus be

    observed that there were close ties between the Vatican and Satellite Croatia, where Giuseppe

    Ramiro Marcone remained until the debacle, transmitting instructions from Rome to the

    Croatian clergy and episcopacy, principally concerning the conversions of the Orthodox Serbs,

    and often traveling from one region to another, where the battle was raging between the

    resistants and the Ustashi. The "apostolic visitor" can be seen in the Pavelich's intimate family

    circle, looking most paternal and benevolent.  The cordiality of these public as well as private

    relationships remained untouched by the assassination of the Serbian Orthodox priests, which

    continued to multiply.

    On May 21st, the same day that the Croat delegation returned triumphant from Rome, the

    Orthodox Serbian Bishop of Co. Plaski, Sava Trlaic, was arrested by the Ustashi officer Fra.

    Josip Tomlienovic, and his palace pillaged and demolished. He was taken in a truck to Ogulin

    with three other priests, Revs. Jasa Stepanov, Milan Raicevic, and Bogolub Gakovic, and also

    thirteen Serbian notables. All of them were shut up in a stable, beaten and tortured, and then

    taken away to city  of Gospic. From there, about Aug. 15th, they were sent away by convoy,

    with two thousand Serbs, to the Island of Pag where general "liquidation" took place.

    Even in Zagreb, where His Grace Stepinac and the "visitor" Marcone resided, the Serbian

    Orthodox Bishop Dositey, was beaten and tortured to such an extent that he became insane.

    There were four Serbian Orthodox Bishops with those from Bosnia‑Herzegovina, to which

    should be added approximately 171 priests and religious followers, who, like the first Christians,

    met the fate of martyrs upon the ruins of their profaned churches. Others were deported to

    Serbia. Only those of the mountainous regions, in Krayina (Serbian part of Croatia), controlled

    by the Serbian paramilitaries, were able to escape.

    The Serbian Orthodox population, thus bereft of the traditional leaders, became an easier prey

    for the converters, as well as for the assassins. Massive massacres took place after their death

    and torture in the bishoprics of the two martyrs, Sava and Dositey, which served as a prelude to

    equally massive conversions. Croatian Catholic clergy was many times behind Ustashi

    violence. For example, it happened that Fra. Viktor Gutic was none other than the Ustashi

    prefect who had ordered the "liquidation" of many Serbian Orthodox Bishops, like Bishop Platon

    of Bania Luka, with all the refinements of cruelty which have, heretofore, been described.

    Serbian Orthodox Bishops ‑ Martyrs are:

                    1) Zagreb metropolitan Dositey Vasic (born in 1877, ordained in 1899,

                    bishop of Nis in 1913). Interned in Bulgaria during World War I. Elected

                  first Zagreb metropotitan in 1932, and enthroned in 1933. As the oldest

                    member of the Holy Synod, he was in charge of Church affairs during the

                    illness of Patriarch Varnava, and until the election of the new patriarch.

                    During World War II, he was severely humiliated and maltreated in Zagreb,

                    and then expelled to Belgrade. In poor health due to his sufferings in

                    the Independent State of Croatia, he died on January 13, 1945 in the

                    Belgrade Monastery of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary, and was buried


                    2) The good white‑haired old man, metropolitan of Bosnia and Sarajevo,

                   Petar Zimonjic (born 1866, ordained in 1895, metropolitan of Zahumlie and

                    Herzegovina in 1903, and of Bosnia in 1920), one of the most eminent

                    Serbian dignitaries, remained with his flock in 1941. He was arrested on

                    May 12. There are many testimonies of his heroic stand when he faced the

                    criminals. He was innocently killed that same year. Several versions exist

                    about his martyrdom in the Independent State of Croatia. The precise

                    place of his death is not known.

                    3) The bishop of Karlovac Sava Trlajic (born in 1884, ordained in 1909,

                    bishop in 1934, bishop of Karlovac since 1938); early in the war he refused

                    the offer made by the Italian occupiers to move to Belgrade, and remained

                    with his Orthodox people ‑ underwent many humiliations in the

                    Independent State of Croatia, and finally ended his life as a martyr. The

                    place of his grave is still unknown.

                    4) The bishop of Banja Luka Platon Jovanovic (born in 1874, bishop in

                    1936, and bishop of Banja Luka in 1939) died a martyr's death in the

                    Independent State of Croatia, on May 5, 1941, and was thrown into the

                    Vrbania river. He was later buried in the Orthodox cemetery of Bania Luka.



    In the guise of a reply, or rather a challenge, to those who everywhere implored him to

    stop the scandalous aid which the Catholic clergy lent to Pavelic's blood‑thirsty regime,

    the Vatican made a decision: they named "His Grace" Stepinac head military chaplain

    of the Croatian army. It is true that this nomination was made "sine titulo". On the other

    hand, the first prelate of Croatia was not obliged to exercise, effectively and personally,

    his new functions.

    "His Grace" Stepinac announced his promotion to the Ordinariats by such letters as the

    following, addressed to the Ordinariat of the Archbishopric of Sarajevo (No. 22/BK/1942

    on January 20, 1942):

    "I have the honor of informing the honorable Ordinariat that have been made Head

    Military Chaplain 'sine titulo' for the Croatian Ustashe army. I have designated as my

    substitutes the Rev. Stiepo Vuchetich, military priest of the Croatian Armed Forces, and

    Rev. Vilim Cecelia, superior military priest at the Ministry of the Croatian Armed Forces,

    and I have given them jurisdiction with the necessary authority endorsed by the Holy

    See. You will eventually be given the names of the military chaplains in the territory of

    your Ordinariat by the office of the military vicariate at the Ministry of the Croatian Armed


    There is one savory detail connected with this affair. Vilim Cecelia, replacing Stepinac as

    leading chaplain, with the grade of a Lt. Colonel, was. at the same time Pavelic's


    As soon as the new promotion of the Archbishop of Zagreb was made known,

    approximately 150 priests applied for voluntary service as chaplains in the criminal

    Ustashe army, and even "His Grace" Stepinac's own secretary, Stiepan (Stephen)

    Lackovich (now in Los Angeles), was sworn in to one of the units. The official paper,

    "Ustasa", reported in its 47th issue of November 22, 1942, as it did in previous issues,

    some of the salient acts of these bellicose ecclesiastics and were decorated by Pavelic.

    Stepinac, from time to time, honored the leave‑taking of the legionnaires for the front by

    his presence. He was accompanied by His Grace Ramiro Marcone, the Vatican's

    "apostolic visitor". As can be seen, this prelate had a great conception of his functions

    and duties as military chaplain, even "sine titulo." Pavelic had every reason to be

    satisfied, and he proclaimed far and wide: "I am convinced that posterity will be grateful

    to you Roman Catholic Croatian priests for having inculcated our first soldiers of the

    Independent State of Croatia with a wholesome spirit, a high morality and respect for

    God, as well as with fearlessness and courage in facing the enemy both within and

    without." ("Nova Hrvatska" ‑ "New Croatia", Nov. 26, 1941.)

    Stepinac not only showed his warlike attitude when he was with the military Ustashi in

    the barracks, but also when he was with the intellectuals taking charge of the

    mobilization of the Croats for the cause of the Ustashi Croatian state, where he helped

    to encourage and boost their drooping morale. It was, above all, among the members of

    the Catholic organization, "Domagoj," that he was the most active.

    "His Holiness" Pius XII remained, as always, cordially paternal toward Pavelic's

    collaborators: "The Ustashi youth of the crusades, numbering 206, all dressed up in

    Ustashi uniforms, had a private audience with the Pope on February 6, 1942, in one of

    the most sacred halls of the Vatican. The reporter wrote that 'the most touching moment

    was when the youthful Ustashi begged the Pope to bless their "Poglavnik" ("supreme

    head"), the Independent State of Croatia, and the Croatian people. Each member

    received a medal as a souvenir.' ("Katolicki Tjednik" ‑ "Catholic Weekly", Feb. 15, 1942).

    "Nearly half of the 22 concentration camps in the Ustashi Independent State of Croatia,

    during WWII were headed by Croatian Roman Catholic clergy..."


    Contrary to the communist and Zionist stories Ustashe movement was, basically,

    formed and led by the Jews and Croatian Jew‑lovers. I had mentioned some of them but I

    didn't mention probably one of the most known Ustashi leaders and cutthroats,

    Viekoslav Maximilian 'Max' Luburich, who was pure‑blooded Jew. Ante Pavelic's

    godfather and deputy, Andria Artukovich, was also married to Jewess. Enough said.

    There are no proofs that there was any organised action of Ustashi cutthroat army

   against Jewish population in Croatia. Moreover, in the WW2 many Jews escaped from

    Serbia to Croatia after nationalist government, led by general Milan Nedic, came to

    power in Serbia.

         USTASHA MOVEMENT FROM 1966 to 1986 ‑ LIST OF


      The most important terrorist attacks organised by Ustashi (from 1962 ‑ 1984) were:

    1962:  Attack on Yugoslav consulate in Bad Goldberg, West Germany. Serb Momcilo

    Popovic killed .

    1963:  Yugoslav citizen Andjelka Vuletina (Serb) was killed by Ustashi terrorists .

    1965:  Andria Klaric, Serb, Yugoslav consul in Munich wounded by an Ustashi assassin


    1966: Yugoslav consul in Stutgart, Serb, Sava Milovanovic killed.

              A Yugoslav Stipe Medvedovic killed in Frankfurt.

    1968:  Ustashi blew a bomb in cinema theater "October 20th" in Belgrade .

               One person killed, 85 wounded .

    1969:  Leader of Yugoslav military corps mission in West Berlin, Anton Kolendic, and

    one member of the mission wounded by an Ustashi assassin .

    1970: Yugoslav (Serb) Niko Mijaljevic killed in Frankfurt .

    1971: Terrorist attack on Yugoslav consulate in Geteborg. Three Yugoslav hostage were


              Yugoslav ambassador u Stocholm, Vladimir Rolovic (Serb), died from gun shot

    wounds by an Ustashi assassin. One administrator of the Embassy critically wounded.

    1972: A group of 19 armed Ustashi terrorist entered Yugoslavia. Thirteen Yugoslavs died

    and 19 were wounded in clashes with these terrorists.

              A bomb exploded in express train from Dortmund to Athens. One person was

    killed, eight wounded.

              Three Ustashi terrorists attempted to kill regional judge from Revensburg, related

    to the trial of five terrorists.

              Yugoslav (Serb) Bozo Marinac was killed in Solingen.

              A Swedish airline SAS airplane was hijacked on a domestic flight. Hijackers

    demanded larger sum of money and release of ambassador Rolovic's assassin. Their

    demands were met.

              A bomb exploded in a Yugoslav Airline (JAT) plane flying from Kopenhagen to

    Zagreb. Twenty six people died.

    1975: Yugoslav vice consul in Lion, France, Mladen Djokovic (Serb), was critically

    wounded by an Ustashi terrorist.

              A bomb exploded in a JAT office in Shtutgart, as well as in other offices of

    Yugoslav companies in Western Europe.

    1976: Four Ustashi terrorists hijacked an American TWA airplane. One American police

    officer was killed, and two wounded.

              A bomb exploded in front of the garage of Yugoslav General Consulate in Stutgart.

              Yugoslav consul in Frankfurt, Edvin Zdovc, was killed.

              A bomb exploded in front of Yugoslav Embassy in Washington, D.C. Two persons

    wounded .

              A bomb exploded in Yugoslav General Consulate in Melburn, Australia. Six‑ teen

    Australian citizens were wounded.

              An assassination attempt on Yugoslav Vice Consul Vladimir Topic (Serb) in


    1977: Radomir Medic (Serb) as United Nation mission in New York critically wounded in

    and assassination attempt.

    1978: Two Yugoslav immigrants Ante Cikoja nad Krizan Brkic were killed in New York

    City and Los Angeles, respectively. Other two Yugoslav immigrants critically wounded in

    an attack in New York City.

              Yugoslav Radimir Gazija was killed in Constanca .

    1979: Yugoslav Salih Mesinovic was killed in Frankfurt 1981.

              A bomb exploded in front of Yugoslav Cultural Informative Center in Stutgart .

              A Ustashi terrorist group "Croatian National Resistance" sentenced in New York

    for a murder, blackmail and treat against Serb political immigrants.

              A group of Ustashi terrorists were arrested in Eden, Australia. They were ready to

    leave for Yugoslavia and execute terrorist attacks.

              In Switzerland and West Germany, eighteen Ustashi terrorists were arrested .

    They were found with large quantities of explosive and weapons .

    1983: A court in New York sentenced seven members of "Croatian National Resistance"

    to 20 to 40 year term for various terrorist attacks.

         From 1991 to now: New Independent State of Croatia

    The third genocide attempt against the Serbs was took place from 1991 ‑ 1995 within the

    borders of the internationally recognized Republic of Croatia under the leadership of late

    Franjo Tudjman. The present day Croatian State continues the State personality of the

    (Ustashi) Independent State of Croatia, as was said unequivocally by Franjo Tudjman at

    the first congress of his party, Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ). "The Independent

    State of Croatia was an expression of the historical aspirations of the Croatian people for

    its own independent State and the recognition of international factors. Accordingly, the

    Independent State of Croatia did not represent a mere of the Axis powers, but was a

    consequence of certain historical circumstance."

                         Who was Franjo Tudjman?

    In the shortest lines: Doctor Franjo Tudjman was founder of the HDZ (Croatian

    Democratic Community) party and was the first president of the new Independent State

    of Croatia. 50 years ago he was Tito's (Josip "TITO" Broz  was a Jewish communist

    dictator in the former Yugoslavia. Another Croatian Jew.)  communist general but in 1990

    he became the virulent Croatian nationalist. He was invited and has participated in the

    solemn opening of Jewish memorial museum in New York City.

          Serbs in the Croatian death‑mill... for the third time

    The year of 1991. Once again Croats (this time led by F. Tudjman) wish to break away

    from Yugoslavia and once again they are supported by International Jewry and

    Freemasonry (EU/UN/USA). Unfortunately, they don't want just to break away from

    Yugoslavia and form their own independent state... They want also to purge all Serbs

    from their (Serbian) lands and make Croatia Serb‑free. On the other hand, Serbs [under

    that circumstances] want to append their ancient territories to Serbian state. They are

    loyal and wish to live with their brethren in one, common state... The war broke

    out... Serbs are in the Croatian death‑mill ‑ for the third time.

                             * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * *

    On two nights between October 16 to 18 1991, 24 innocent Serbs were slain and burned

    in the place called Perusic, near town of Gospic.

    The crimes committed in Gospic

    By Dr. Zoran Stankovic, pathologist

    From October 16 to 18, soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and masks on their faces

    were abducting civilians, mostly Serbs, in Gospic and its surrounding communities, and

    taking them to unknown destinations. Later on, the members of the JNA (Yugoslav

    People's Army) and the Serbian Territorial Defence [unit from the village of Siroka Kula],

    found 24 mostly charred corpses at a place called Kukin Do. Some corpses were

    recognized as those of people taken away from Gospic in the above mentioned period.

    There were 15 men and 9 women, and 11 corpse s could not be indentified nor was it

    possible to detect injuries which had caused their death. All of the identified persons

    were Serbs from Gospic, who had disappeared between October 16 to 18, 1991.

    Bullet wounds, lashes caused by the blade of mechanical instruments, piercing wounds

    caused by the point and blade of mechanical instruments and inward fractures of the

    skull caused by the blunt side of mechanical implements were some of the injuries iden

    tified. In the case of 18 corpses, it was not possible to establish reliably the exact

    number and type of injuries, because some of their parts were missing, while the

    corpses were charred...

     List of identified victims:

       1.U‑S‑2: Branko Stulic, 54 years old, District Court Judge, Gospic.

          The victim had been hit by at least six bullets and there was a wound on his neck

          which had been inflicted by the blade of a mechanical instrument.

       2.U‑S‑5: Stanko Smiljanic, 54 years old, jurist from Gospic.

          The victim had been hit by at least two bullets.

       3.U‑S‑7: Mira Kalanj, an economist from Gospic, mother of two sons.

          The victim was found to have an inward fracture of the occipital bone and

          fragmented (small and large pieces) parietal bone and base of skull caused by

         the blunt side of a mechanical instrument.

       4.U‑S‑11: Dane Bulj, 55 years old, office worker from Gospic

          the victim had been hit by at least two bullets. On the right shoulder, there was a

          piercing wound inflicted by the point and blade of a mechanical instrument.

       5.U‑S‑12: Duro Kalanj, 52 years old, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Gospic

          The victim had been hit by at least nine bullets. It was not possible to establish

          the exact number and type of injuries because the soft tissue of the both rumps

          and left thigh was missing due to the activity of rodents and the body was in the

          advanced stage of decomposition, frozen and mostly charred.

       6.U‑S‑13: Milan Pantelic, employee of the Gospic Hydrometeorological Bureau

          The victim had been hit by at list one bullet. On the head, there were two cuts

          with inward skull frectures on the right side of the forehead and right side of the

          occipital bode. There were cuts on on his back.

       7.U‑S‑15: Milos Orlovic, 49 years old, from Gospic.

          The back of his head had been smashed in with the blunt side of a mechanical


       8.U‑S‑16: Radovan Barac, senior postal technician from Gospic

          The victim had been hit by five bullets. Signs of exposure to flame were found on

          the head, neck and front side of both thighs.

       9.U‑S‑18 Ljubica Trifunovic, pensioner from Gospic

          The victim had been hit by three bullets. A piercing wound inflicted with the point

          and a blade of a mechanical instrument was found in the occipital region of the

          head. The inner side of the right upper arm was without soft tissue as the result of

          expo sure of the corpse to reodents. The body [as well as all of the other

          corpses] was in an advanced stage of decomposition, frozen and charred on the

          neck, chest and both hands.

      10.U‑S‑19: Petar Lazic, 42 years old, employee of Industrogradnja, Zagreb

          the victim had been hit by four bullets.

      11.U‑S‑20: Borka Vranes, pensioner from Gospic, WWII partisan veteran.

          She had been hit by five bullets fired from a gun. Her body was almost completely


      12.U‑S‑22: Dusanka Vranes, senior nurse from Gospic

          the victim had been hit by at least three bullets. A wound which had been inflicted

          with the blade of a mechanical instrument was found on the right side of the face.

          On right shoulder, a piercing wound which had been inflicted by a point of a

          mechanical instrument was also found.

      13.U‑S‑23: Nikola Gajic, 58 years old, pensioner from Gospic

          the victim had been hit by at least one bullet. A cut overlaying inward fractures of

          the bones, which had been inflicted with the blade of a mechanical instrument,

          was found on the right side of his face.

    The statement of Milica Smiljanic, wife of the slain Stanko Smilanic

    "...They came to get my husband at midnight on 16 October. They barged into the

    house armed to the teeth; they were wearing camouflage uniforms and green caps, with

    holes for eyes, pulled over their faces. They found us hiding in the cellar and then they

    started shooting at the ceiling and shouting:"Get up, you bandits!" I recognized one of

    them by his voice. It was Irfan Mataija, a local. They demanded from us to sign a

    statement which stated that the Serbs in Croatia were not endangered. We refused to do

    so, because it wasn't true. My husband and brother‑in‑law were then ordered to get

    dressed. They tied them up and shoved them onto a truck. I was escorted at a gun point

    to the house of Radovan Barac, where they demanded that I ask him to come out.

    Radovan's mother came out instead. She refused to call her son. They took them both

    away. I was visited on the same night by Luka Sulentic, who was one of the first who

    had been picked up by the Ustashe; he was released later once it was established that

    he was a Croat. Sulentic told me that scores of Serbs had been arrested and taken by

    trucks to Smiljan. I spent three months searching for my husband and brother‑in‑law,

    Milan. Several times I addressed in person Zelko Bolf, the chief of police in Gospic. I

    begged him to find out what had happened to Stanko and Milan. He promissed to make

    inquiries and let me know, which he never did. I managed to escape from Gospic thanks

   to a Croatian police officer who helped me get an ausweis (a pass), so that I was able to

    reach Zagreb, via Karlobag, Sen, Rieka, Delnice and Karlovac. From Zagreb, I went to

    Doboi, and from there to Serbia.

    Stanko had no [personal] enemies. He never engaged in politics; he didn't belong to any

    political party. He simply wasn't interested in such things. Now I now that his only sin

    was his Serbian descent..."

    List of missing Serbs, according to the testimony of Milica Smilanic:

          Stanko Smiljanic, jurist

          Milan Smiljanic, his brother

          Rajko Barac

          Danica barac, his mother

          Radmila Stanic, teacher

          Zaljko Mrkic, policeman

          Boro Maric

          Ankica Maric, his wife

          Ljubica Trifunovic, pensioner

          Duro Kalanj, deputy public prosecutor

          Mira Kalanj, economist, his wife

          Borka Vranes, pensioner

          Nada Vranes

          Mica Vranes, Nada's husband

          Nedeljko Igric, clerk

          Nikola Stojanovic, pensioner

          Nikola Niscevic, guard in prison

          Marija Niscevic, his wife

          Branko Kuzmanovic, pensioner

          Milan Pantelic, clerk

          Radmila Diklic, manager of the Turist Information Bureau in Gospic

          Boja Potkonjak

          Mira Potkonjak, her daughter

          Branko Draganjic, employee

          Simo Kljajic, journalist

          Gojko HInic, Ministry of Internal Affairs employee

          Dusanka Vranes, head of Physical therapy department

       Industry of Death ‑ Death Squads go on a rampage through Kraina*

                     F.T. Feral Tribune, 10/16/95, Split, Croatia

    It turns out that the cruel crime in Varivode was only a link in a bloody chain: seven

    elderly persons from the village of Gospic, hamlet of Borak, located four kilometers west

    from Devrsak, were murdered in the early afternoon hours on 8/27/95. Sava, Marija,

    Grozdana, Vasilj, Kosa, Dusan and Milan Borak were, on average, 70 years old.

    There are no living creatures left in the hamlet of Borak. Only a strong, unpleasant

    stench of the decomposing bodies of dead animals and inside houses old traces serve

    as a "reminder" of a drama: blood stains on kitchen tiles, bullet holes in the walls,

    opened portion from the humanitarian assistance package on the table, two pairs of

    glasses, rotten tomatoes, Slobodna Dalmacija paper from August 26...

    "On the day that happened I was taking food to the village", stated for Feral one of the

    indirect witnesses, who because of fear wanted to remain anonymous.        "I went to

    finish some business in the neighboring village and upon my return, about half an hour

    later, I found that the elderly inhabitants of the village had been massacred. They had

    been shot through their heads. They lay on the thresholds of their houses, sometimes

    2‑3 of them together; body of one of the elderly women was in a chair... I was terrified

    and frightened... On my way out of the village I passed an all‑terrain vehicle in which

    there were people in camouflage uniforms..."

    Another witness said that the bodies of the victims had been transported to Knin in two

    police helicopters. Allegedly, minister [of internal affairs] Ivan Jarnjak and his deputy

    Josko Moric appeared on the spot. However, it is still not known how far the Croatian

    police investigation of these crimes has gone and whether the police has continued the

    investigation after all. The victims of the crime in Gosic received at least a bit of Christian

    respect: they were buried at the Knin cemetery; crosses with numbers 543 to 550 were

    placed on their graves.

    Feral's reporter was, on Friday, present when the corpse of 84‑year‑old Dusan Saric was

    found in Kakanj, a village 4 kilometers from Varivode. His corpse had been floating in a

    well located next to his house. Dusan Saric was se en alive for the last time when the

    activists from the International Red Cross delivered regular humanitarian assistance on


    Kraina stinks of crimes committed by Croatian death squads. In the village of Oton, near

    Knin, R.K. (initials arbitrary) is still in a state of shock. He described a tragedy to the

    Feral's reporter: Croatian soldiers demanded that he slaughter a calf for them. While he

    was doing that, he heard shots from an automatic rifle from a nearby meadow. They

    killed his mother. He buried her at the place of the crime. She was born in 1906.

    "I was sitting in the kitchen and my son was asleep. Then a four of them barged into the

    house. They asked where our identification cards and "domovnice" [a document which

    proves Croatian citizenship] were. My son got up and they started to search through the

    house; they were pulling out drawers and smashing things. Then one of them picked up

    a gun, put the barrel on my son's neck and took him away." This is the testimony of an

    elderly woman from the village of Zrmana‑Vrelo. Her 50‑year‑old son was killed in a

    nearby forest on 9/29/95 at 5 p.m.; four bullets were fired at his chest. The body was in

    the forest for two nights until the investigators arrived. "The locals covered the body and

    guarded it lest someone took it away; they also wanted to protect it from animals."

    Commander of the former Sector South, Alain Forand has stated that the civilian UN

    police had found 128 corpses of the Serb civilians who had been killed after the end of

    war operations in Kraina; they gave all the available data to Croatian authorities but

    haven't received any information from the authorities regarding the investigations.

    Croatian Helsinki Committee (HHO), after checking, branded as false "inaccurate reports

    that the Croatian authorities have arrested certain citizens of the Republic of Croatia

    because of the committed crimes."

    In Croatia, the emphasis this Fall is on the new democratic elections.

    [*Kraina, Krajina ‑ Serbian western province today, unfortunately, witihin the borders of


                       Soil soaked with the blood

    Above are just a few examples of Croatian crimes against Serbs, comitted during the

    civil war (from 1991 to 1995) in the 'former Yugoslavia'. Over 450.000 Serbs have been

    banished, forced to leave their ancient territories, their homes and hearths. Serbian army

    was victorious on the battlefield. Serbs won the war but the Croats get their

    Independent, Serb‑free, state thanks to the treacherous diplomatic policy of the Serbian

    socialist regime and thanks to International Jewry.

    However, we will never forget. There's no surrender. Lika, Banija, Kordun, Slavonia, West

    Srem, Herzegovina etc. are the lands soaked with the Serbian blood... the blood of our

    brethren and forefathers. The places like Jasenovac (English spelling ‑ Yasenovaz) are

    the eternal Serbian shrines and sanctities. Holy Serbian scaffolds and martyrdoms. OUR


    SOIL IS SOAKED WITHE BLOOD OF OUR KIN. The graves and ghosts of known and

    unknown martyrs are weeping for revenge. We can hear

    them...                                                                         One day we will set our

    Western provinces free again and will avenge the suffering and deaths of our brothers

    and sisters. That is our promise and our oath! In the name of Father, Son and the Holy

    Spirit. Amen.


    Author dedicates this little book to glorious duke Momcilo Djujic and all the heroes who

    fought and died for Faith and Fatherland as well as martyrs who have been murdered by

    Croatian criminals, including heroic duke Pavle Djurisic and Milorad Mojic (commander

    of the Serbian Volunteer Corps.). Rest in peace brothers and sisters, the White Eagle

    will take his vengeance. Author and publisher.

Reference Materials